
Appeared: Series 3 - Current Series

Aliases: Aaron, The Protector of Realities

Voiced by: WanterWither

WanterWither is one of the main characters in the WitherBot Story. He used to work at WitherBotics, his main job being "The Protector Of Realities" he said he had visited many Realities in the past, but has had nothing to save. He found out that WitherBotics had lied to him, and they weren't trying to save Reality, but were trying to destroy it. WitherBotics wanted WanterWither to help destroying The Reality Machine and WitherBot, WanterWither then left WitherBotics after hearing this and joined WitherBot and Jason and helped them stop WitherBotics from using their lazer to destroy The Reality Machine. After WitherBotics left in their "spaceship" The Reality Machine turned everything chill.

"I dunno if it's the time to party, I feel like something weird is happening, inside, and outside of WitherWorld..."

- WanterWither (Series 3 Quests)


Appeared: Series 1 - Current Series

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

WitherBot is the main character in the WitherBot Story. He is a robot created by WitherBotics that was designed to help them, but found out the truth about them and left. WitherBot and Jason seemed to start working together after Jason's firework plan "failed" as Jason disappeared from the story for a while, he was most likely working with WitherBot. WitherBot can shapeshift into anything, and has used his shapeshift abilities before in the WitherBot Story. 

"The Boss wanted me to tell you something, regarding WitherBot"

- ??? (Series 2 Story)


Appeared: Series 3 - Current Series

Aliases: Kid (By The Boss)

Voiced by: Blake Farha

Jason used to work for WitherBotics, he was first known as "Unknown Source" until his name was revealed as being Jason, and later in the story his second name was revealed as "Stephens" He seemed to organise a party in Series 3. After his firework plan failed he hasn't wanted to setup fireworks again, so someone else usually sets them up. Jason now works with WitherBot and WanterWither.

"I came prepared for this! I know what the plan is, it might not go too well... but its better than having WitherWorld taken over"

- Jason (Series 6 Story)

Mystery Character

Appeared: Series 2 Era 2 - Series 3 Era 2

Aliases: The Boss

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

Mystery Character was spotted first in the Series 2 Trailer, he was seen again in the Lazer Activation premiere, and has also been seen in Series 3.

"Was that him?"

- WanterWither (Lazer Activation)


Appeared: Series 3 - Series 6

Aliases: Evil Brutes (By Jason)

WitherBotics are the creators of WitherBot. Their goal seems to be to destroy all Reality. WitherBot, WanterWither and Jason's goal is to stop them from destroying all Reality. Not much of them has been seen, but they seem to use a "Spaceship"

"Listen, WitherBotics are not good, they are not trying to save Reality!"

- WitherBot (Series 2 Story)


Appeared: Series 2 - Current Series

Aliases: Reality 1, The Zilchera

WitherWorld is the dimension that The Reality Machine lives in. WitherBotics have a "spaceship" that flies above The Reality Machine. WitherWorld seems to be a grey colour whenever WitherBotics have control over The Reality Machine, but whenever The Reality Machine is not in their control, the grey is replaced with bright colours.

- WanterWither (Series 4 Trailer)

"Teleport to WitherWorld"


Appeared - Series 3 - Series 4 Era 3

Voiced by: Nick Shootzki

John seems to work for WitherBotics, he most likely worked alot with Jason and WanterWither

"A member higher up in WitherBotics would like to tell you something that they were told to tell you from The Boss"

- John (Series 2 Story)


Appeared: Series 2 Era 2

Aliases: Krypton [citation needed]

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

??? Is a mysterious character who is high up in WitherBotics

"Since WitherBot is too powerful, we cannot destroy him on his own. We'll have to destroy WitherWorld, the easiest way to do that is to destroy The Reality Machine..."

- ??? (Series 2 Story)


Appeared: Whenever you started using WitherBot!

Voiced by: You!

The User is the person who reads the WitherBot Story, completes quests and helps WanterWither, Jason and WitherBot.

"Hmm, wait! over there! Its User?!"

- WanterWither (Series 4 Story)

The Boss

Appeared: Series 2 Era 2

Aliases: Victor Eddins

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

The Boss is the leader of WitherBotics

"I'm able to see log in information on: John, Jason, WanterWither, The Boss..."

- WanterWither (Series 2 Story)


Appeared: Series 4 Era 2

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

Shamrock is the dog that WanterWither, WitherBot and Jason met when they entered Earth.

"I think I'm gonna call you... Shamrock! Yes! Shamrock!"

- WanterWither (Series 4 Story)

The Reality Machine

Appeared: Series 3 - Current Series

Aliases: Mother (By The Ancients)

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

The Reality Machine is a Machine that contains every single Reality in existence. It seems to have control over everything, and also seems to have created everything. The Reality Machine seems to want peace, but WitherBotics often will try using it to destroy Realities.

"Hmm, What's The Reality Machine Doing?"

- WanterWither (Series 4 Story)

The Memory Machine

Appeared: Series 10 - Era 2 Series 6

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

The Memory Machine is a Machine similar to The Reality Machine, it seems to contain every Memory of everything that exists. In the Series 10 Trailer, The Reality Machine grabs it out of the ground, and combines its power with The Reality Machine. This causes the Machine to malfunction and different Memories from WitherWorlds past then appear around The Reality Machine. This also causes WitherWorld to be exposed, as the Malfunction destroys the "shield" around WitherWorld, this makes the sky turn purple.

"The Memory Machine... Its safe..."

- WanterWither (Series 6 Story)

Reality 3

Appeared: Era 2 Series 4

Aliases: Earth

Reality 3 is the Reality that Earth is in. This Reality was unknown to WanterWither and Jason due to their memory being erased upon joining WitherBotics. This Reality is where Shamrock's home is. This Reality is where User (You) live.

"Apparently this Reality is called "Earth" Wait! No! I got that wrong... this planet, is called Earth! Apparently we're inside The Milkyway Galaxy!

- WitherBot (Series 4 Story)

Unnamed Reality

Appeared: Era 2 Series 4

Unnamed Reality is the Reality that WitherBot, Jason and WanterWither went to in Series 4. This Reality has no humans, but has massive Creatures in it.

"Maybe a Reality with massive Bug Creature thingys isn't the best place to be"

- WanterWither (Series 4 Story)

Reality 54421

Appeared in: Series 4 Era 2

Reality 54421 is the Reality that WanterWither, WitherBot, Jason, Shamrock, Dylan and DylanDaBot went to, to fight the massive spider. This Reality has a light brown rock ground, with a purple sky. This Reality has a light purple mist all around it, so you cannot see into the distance. Based on the story, this Reality has huge metal poles that go up into the sky, which may be the home of huge spiders, in the story a massive spider was on one of these poles and fell down to defend itself from the Team. The Spider ended up losing the fight, then the Team went to the next Reality.


• This Reality was the first place that WitherBot and DylanDaBot Mechanized together

"A Massive Spider the size of a car falls from the sky!"

- Narrator (Series 4 Story)

The Time Machine

Appeared: Era 2 Series 5 - Era 3 Series 2

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

The Time Machine is the third and final Machine to be revealed in the WitherBot Story. The Time Machine has the power of Time, meaning it can go to the past, present and future whenever it wants to. During The Beginning of Time, it helped The Reality Machine along with The Memory Machine to create WitherWorld and begin The Infireality.

"Now that there's peace and quiet, I can now complete my plan, The Time Machine is mine... Hehehehe"

- The Boss (Series 5 Story)

The Terrifying

Appeared: Era 1 Series 6 - Era 2 Series 7

The Terrifying are an extremely evil team who are extremely powerful and have been close to destroying Reality many times, but luckily The Team have been able to stop them. It seems The Terrifying have been an issue to The Reality Machine since the very Beginning of Existence. The Terrifying have a leader known as "The Terrifying Leader" and she is one of the most powerful enemies that have been in the WitherBot Story. The Terrifying were never defeated, they only disappeared after The Ice Queen came and took over, it is unknown where they are now

"Now it's time for me to destroy you!"

- The Terrifying Leader (Series 7 Story)

The Fossils

Appeared: Era 3 Series 3

The Fossils are animals that millions of years ago used to live in WitherWorld. They were somehow turned to stone and left to sink into WitherWorlds ground, where they stayed for millions of years, until The Ice Queen destroyed WitherWorld, setting the animals free, and allowing them to be discovered. WitherBot originally found out that The Fossils had been freed, and the user (you) are required to transfer Fish into Reality Machine Energy to bring The Fossils back to life. The Fossils allow you to get certain abilities and use them on WitherBot. The Fish you transfer into energy are completely happy and alive during this entire process, once the Fish get sent to The Fossil, they immediately get sent to a new Reality which has a huge ocean. Every Fish that goes to this Reality is extremely safe and happy

"Something tells me these "animals" are awakening!"

- WitherBot (Series 3 Story)

The Ice Queen

Appeared: Era 3 Series 2

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

The Ice Queen is another extremely powerful enemy in the WitherBot Story. She has the power to freeze anything in ice, transform anything into ice and other powers like flying etc. During Operation Timed She managed to destroy The Reality Machine, her plan ended up failing as a tiny bit of Reality Machine Power remained, and Operation Timed ended up saving everything. It is unknown where The Ice Queen came from, it is assumed that she may have been part of The Terrifying, and then The Terrifying decided to freeze her which turned her into a powerful Ice Queen. The Terrifying seem to fear her though

"Based on my calculations, The Ice Queen will freeze The Reality Machine... Then when its frozen, smash it..."

- Jason (Series 2 Story)

The Infireality

The Infireality is the space that is in between different Realities. It is a purple sky, which has different shades of purple in it. The Infireality is constantly expanding, it expands at speeds faster than the speed of light. The Reality Machine is the creator of The Infireality,  it is unknown what lies outside of The Infireality, some people fear the thought of it...

Appeared: Era 1 Series 10 - Era 3 Series 2

"The Ice Queen is extremely powerful, she has power over the entire Infireality! She could destroy it all at any time!"

- WanterWither (Series 2 Story)

The Bosses Reality

Appeared: Era 3 Series 1 - Era 3 Series 4

The Bosses Reality is a Reality that is owned by The Boss. The Bosses Reality seems to have a huge castle, with a bright blue sky and green grass. The Boss seems to want to make his Reality perfect. During The Terrifyings Revenge, The Team had to leave WitherWorld and quickly go to The Bosses Reality as The Terrifying were becoming too powerful.

"Listen, I can't help you much, but I can give you the co-ordinates to The Bosses Reality if that would be any help?"

- Krypton (Series 6 Story)


Appeared: Era 2 Series 6

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

In the WitherBot Story, Krypton was originally shown as being a mystery character, with the name "???" but during The Story in Series 6, his name was revealed as Krypton. He seemed to be friends with WanterWither whenever they went to "WitherBotics School". During The Series 6 Story, Krypton and WanterWither met again, Krypton knew he couldn't help out The Team much or else he would be betraying WitherBotics, but he did give The Team the co-ordinates to The Bosses Reality, which during The Terrifyings Revenge actually saved The Team from The Terrifying. Krypton also helped WitherBotics build their Lazer, which was activated during Lazer Activation

"Krypton, you've been working for WitherBotics this whole time?!"

- WanterWither (Series 6 Story)

The Zilchera

Appeared in: Era 3 Series 3

The Zilchera is known to be the kingdom that WitherWorld used to be. It is also known to be home to The Ancient Army, although The Ancient Army did destroy it. It seems that during The Times of The Zilchera, that animals were also in WitherWorld, these animals no longer are in WitherWorld, but there are Fossils of these animals now that can be awakened. The Fossils seem to still remember parts of The Zilchera, it is unknown how The Fossils became fossilised though, based on WitherBots sources, The Ancient Army had nothing to do with it. The Zilchera was destroyed trillions of years ago, it left the remains of what WitherWorld behind it, all that was left was an empty land, with The Reality Machine in the middle. The Forbidden Area is known to be the only remaining part of The Zilchera, although it was also destroyed during Operation: Timed

"This Lion... It has memories... Of The Zilchera?!"

- WitherBot (Series 3 Story)

The Outereality

Appeared in: Era 3 Series 3

The Outereality is the pitch-black darkness that lies outside of The Infireality. Many fear this place, and the main reason for that is because it contains The Outitan, it's asleep for now, but if it wakes up, the consequences could be extremely bad. The Outereality appears to be infinite. The Infireality seems to expand through The Outereality... Could this mean The Reality Machines purpose is to destroy The Outitan? Who knows

"The outside of The Infireality is known as The Outereality, a place that EVERYBODY fears"

- WitherBot (Series 3 Story)

The Outitan

Appeared in: Era 3 Series 3

Voiced by: Unknown Voice

The Outitan is a horrifying Titan that lives in The Outereality. It is extremely scary, it seems that everyone fears. It is unknown how long The Outitan has existed for, but it seems to have existed for longer than The Beginning of Reality. The Outitan is asleep for now, let's hope it stays like that for another trillion years. It was later revealed as being a dragon.

"The Wolf knows about The Outitan"

- WitherBot (Series 3 Story)

The World inside The Fossils

Appeared in: Era 3 Series 3

The World inside The Fossils is The Reality that The Fish you transfer to The Fossils go to. Nobody seems to have went to this Reality, so it is unknown what it is really like, but The Fish seem to have lots of fun in this Reality. Inside The Fossils there is a core made of Reality Machine Energy, this core seems to be where this Reality is contained. When all The Fish required enter The Fossils, this core expands and awakens The Fossils. Go ahead and Transfer some Fish to The Fossils and awaken them!

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The Fossil Master

Appeared in: Era 3 Series 3

Voiced by: Wxsted Txlent, EmJay, HS44, WanterWither

The Fossil Master is the character behind The Fossilisation. In an Ancient Scroll, it is said that he almost turned all of Reality to stone, his plan failed, but some animals were unfortunately unable to escape in time and were turned to stone. It is unknown why he wanted to turn Reality into stone, The Octopus Fossil does have memories of him though. The Fossil Master is now in a sleeping state, and it seems that he has been in this state since The End of The Zilchera, based on The Ancient Scroll, if he wakes up again, it could be very bad.

"Wow... This Octopus remembers... The Fossil Master?!"

- WitherBot Series 3 Story

The Ancient Scroll

Appeared: Era 3 Series 3 - Current Series

The Ancient Scroll is a Scroll that contains secrets about The Zilchera. The Scroll contains a letter, it is to The Ancient Army and is from Unknown Source.

"To: The Ancient Army, Make sure to never awaken The Fossil Master, if he awakens, he may destroy us all. He has already been awake, and he almost turned all of Reality to stone, some animals were unfortunately not able to escape in time. So yeah, thanks. From: Unknown Source"

- The Ancient Scroll

The Powered

Appeared: Series 5

Being Powered is whenever a person or thing is struck by a high amount of Reality Machine Power, causing them to be taken over by it. Someone who is Powered is known to be a psychopath who wants to destroy everything and everyone in their sight, it is known that in WitherBot Series 5, WitherBot became powered and tried destroying WanterWither. A human who is powered will have bright glowing eyes, their vains will all be visible and will be a pink and blue colour, and they may be pale as seen with The Boss. Things that become Powered can recover after a while, though it could take a few days, after the person is no longer powered, they may still be aggressive at some points or even have some negative effects on their brain. After being Powered, the thing that was powered is known to know more about a certain thing that they didn't know as much about before, for example, WitherBot knew more about WitherBotics, this is how he knew that WitherBotics were evil. In Series 10 of WitherBot, when WitherBot was extremely angry at WanterWither for working at WitherBotics, it is suggested that this anger is caused by the after effects of aggression that The Power had on his brain. It is unknown why a good power turns people evil, but it's certainly an interesting effect.

"That's how I figured out WitherBotics were evil... The Power told me... I figured out the truth"

- WitherBot (Series 4 Story)

The Zilch

The Zilch is the name given to the teleportation through different Realities. For example, if someone goes to another Reality, you would say "They Zilched away to another Reality"

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The Ancients

Appeared: Series 6 Era 3 - Series 8 Era 3

The Ancients are elemental beings in The WitherBot Story who have specific powers over their element type. The Ancients are the first ever humanoid beings to ever exist in all of Reality. The Reality Machine created them specifically to help with the creation of Reality. The Ancients created The Ancient Army, but after it became WitherBotics and failed, The Ancients have now joined The Team. The Ancients were Fossilised by The Fossil Master for unknown reasons. Now, The Ancients have been awakened again and are working on giving The Team trials to do, known as "The Final Trials". It is unknown what these trials are about, but it's suggested it's related to testing The Teams strength before going into a Huge Project...

"Guys, we need to go to The Reality Machine..."

"What about?"

"The Ancients"

- WitherBot and Jason (Series 5 Story)

The Ancient Army

Appeared: Series 3 Era 3 - Current Series

The Ancient Army is an organisation created by The Ancients in order to protect The Zilchera. The Ancient Army eventually lost a huge battle, and the remaining survivors remade it as "WitherBotics". After Victor Eddins accidentally teleported from Reality 3 to WitherWorld, he decided to apply for Boss, after a while of reviewing, he successfully became The Boss of WitherBotics, but due to abuse when he was younger, he used Reality Machine Power in order to effect his mind. This Power was slowly corrupting his mind, making him give WitherBotics evil orders. Eventually, almost all of his brain was corrupted by The Power, Krypton sacrificed himself to The Reality Machine to give it enough Power to destroy The Boss, and destroy WitherBotics along with it. The Ancient Army is now fully gone, The Ancients have moved on to The Team now.

"Trillions of years ago, WitherWorld was a huge kingdom, this kingdom was known as The Zilchera, and it was home to The Ancient Army!"

- WitherBot (Series 3 Story)